We are the award winning technology and blockchain Services Company.

XPERT endeavours to leverage on its high-tech technology and innovative solutions to help and support investors, traders as well as every common man; to learn, execute and maximize gains from forex, stock, crypto trading, blockchain and other technology based products and services.


Our Mission

We will always ensure engage in activities that will eradicate poverty by empowering our partners to move up to the next level in life.


Our Vision

To be dream achievers and a networkers network. Search out for innovative ways to build up our organization to achieve high quality of life.


Our Goal

To Improve quality life of world by providing business oppertunity, Through a variety range of quality products.We have strong Goal in future.


Trading of stocks, foreign exchange and other commodities is an ancient business which has evolved over the last 100 years and has seen revolutionary developments. Despite sophisticated trading tools available in modern times, majority of the investors/traders burn fingers and absorb huge losses due to primarily three problems:

  • Lack of time due to occupational engagement and family priorities

  • Lack of knowledge, absence of fundamental research and analytics and propensity to trade based on hearsay and media hyped news

  • Even the well informed and regular traders are subject to human errors like emotions, lack of speed to respond on the terminal, instantaneous decision-making to take positions and also the very key issue of not being able to trade 24/7 as Global Markets operate in different time zones


XPERT did a detailed research and identified these three problem areas and succeeded to create innovative and advanced technology platforms that would address all these problems.

XPERT will have 11 Innovative Platforms to address the three problems mentioned above: There are three platforms (General Trading, Automated Copy Trading, BOT Trading) each for stock, crypto and forex trading, one platform to provide real time rate comparisons between top ten crypto exchangers to help traders pick the best price named COTOEX and one Educational Platform to disseminate technical education on areas such as Stock, Forex, Crypto Currency Trading and Blockchain Technologies.



Profitability and sustainability of XPERT

Since XPERT is technologically not bound to any particular domain and has eleven platforms which are not only high-tech and AI enabled, these platforms provide perpetual growth and sustainability to the company.

This is so because there is no risk of technological obsolescence by virtue of the very nature of trading as a domain. With advancements in technology, these platforms can be tweaked and upgraded and these solutions can be perpetual in nature.

Also, the in-built flexibility of the project ensures that we can take on diverse Fin-tech assignments on to our existing platforms and also create new ones as and when the need arises. Addition of commodities and services to the existing framework is the hallmark of our project and therefore, creates an ever-increasing value for the token on any exchange.

The second most important criteria for any token to be successful on any exchange is the profitability of the project backing it. XPERT has the unique advantage of having multiple revenue streams due to the diverse nature of functionalities built in to the project.