Privacy Policy

This Terms of Use define the relation with You (“User” or “You”) as you interact with our Services which constitute each and collectively technology platform integrated in website (“Website”), associated application program interface, mobile applications, and establish the entire agreement and understanding of use of any of our Services.

The Services are operated by BighBull. If You do not agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, do not access or use the Services. We reserve the right to change this Terms of Use at any time without notice, so please check it regularly. Your continued use of the services constitutes acceptance of any changes which we might undertake to these Terms of Use from time to time subject to no prior notification. You hereby accept that electronic communication is the only way of communication adopted hereby subject to these Terms of Use and your use of the Services. That all notifications and documents will be sent to your email address and you should seek to send any notifications and documents to us by the similar means.

Services may incorporate or require the use of third party products and services. Your use of such third parties products and services will be subject to the respective third parties terms and conditions and privacy policies, which You agree is your responsibility to regularly review from time to time to determine their acceptability to You before You use such third party products and services. For the avoidance of doubt, all info, token or digital currency swap and exchange functions found on or linked to the Services are provided “as is” received from third parties, and are not our products, as we do not process such swaps or exchanges, nor are we custodian to any form of e-money, stored value, digital coins or tokens.

No Investment Advice Disclaimer

No information, write-ups, listings, prices, events, ICO data, photographs, pictures, graphs, charts, articles, news updates, budgets, forecasts, token swap market values, project information, testimonials, status, team information of any company, advertisements, data, analysis, reports, media files, APIs and other content on the Website and the Services marketing materials, promotional updates, API updates, support patches, messages (via any channels), or other emails which you may have viewed, subscribed to or downloaded via the Services, constitutes advice of any kind, including but not limited to financial advice, trading advice, investment advice, insurance advice, legal advice or any other form of advice for which a license to provide such advice may be required under applicable law.

Feedback & Contact

If you have any questions relating to these Terms & Conditions, Your rights and obligations arising from these Terms of Use and/or your use of the website and the service, or any other matter, please contact us at